The "Family" Party!

The birthday weekend closed with a blast. Aunties and uncles, cousins and grandparents came by the dozen to help celebrate David's sixth birthday.
We recreated the four levels of Rescue Hero training from yesterday, only with the help of some very flexible and accommodating aunties, uncles and grandparents.
Whether it was Poppa Bear's runaway firehose, Auntie Bucky and Auntie Anne's record-breaking times up and down the bunkbed or Uncle Ryan's fleet-footed "Little People" rescue, they humoured our birthday boy once again. Sadie & Taylor joined the festivities and Sadie was even brave enough to enter the "lightning cave" with the help of her dad bedecked in his ERT gear.
Closing out the evening was Uncle Marc & Auntie Natalie's generous return from Manchester. Despite my own distaste for ManU., David was smothered with more souvenirs than he could wear at one time!
The house is now clean and we're all ready for bed. It's been another amazing party. I don't know how CaraLee does it, but she can really throw a doozy.
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