David's "Friends" Party...

We began the tradition of having two birthday parties/kid each year. One would be for some friends while the other was for the family. Both David and Connor get so excited about showing their grandparents what they did for their "Friends" party.
This year, David had a bunch of his school/soccer buddies over on the Saturday before his real birthday. It was a riot...
First, the boys put on my big boots and tried to shoot down some flame targets with the "firehose". This degenerated into spraying me a couple times and frequently turned into a waterworks display when the boys would shoot the hose at the "viewing window".
Next, the boys learned to do "the Robot". The significance? Modern Rescue Heroes have to be able to work with technology in this day and age... also, David really likes doing the robot.
They finished with a search through a "lightning cave" (my camera flash) for missing people, followed by a "baby rescue" game where the kids braved ther perilous climb up and down from David's bed. When I described the game, I spared no gory detail and warned that they might not live through the experience. When Joshie entered the room to do the climb, he nervously asked, "Where's the deathtrap?" The kid's a quote machine.
A final noteworthy quote came from one of David's school/soccer buddies. When singing a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday", it degenerated into add-ons like, "...and many mooooore... on channel foooooour." and "...and channel eighty... with delicious ladies..." one boy added (after the delicious ladies comment), "...like David's mommy!" I can't believe my son's friends are already hitting on my wife. She's still "got it"!
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