Catching up with Emily

Emily (aka Princess Emmers) is the perfect final piece to the puzzle that is the Buzza family. She's little, but don't let that fool you. She is not the least bit intimidated by her two older brothers. Rather, she adores them and wants to do everything they do. This includes: climbing ladders, wrestling daddy and eating at the big table. Life is grand when she gets her way. When things don't quite go according to her plan, however...
Emily is walking and talking (sort of). Just last night, the entertainment in the backseat of the car was the boys trying to get Emily to say such profound things as, "poo-poo", "diaper", and "tu-tu". She was more than happy to do it because the boys were very quick to laugh at her prodigious linguistics.
Emily is beautiful... and she knows it. One of our nightly rituals is to tell her how much we love her when we put her down to bed. I also like to tell her how pretty she is; how beautiful she is. Recently, she started to smile when I'd tell her these things. Even more interesting is how she would start to nod when I'd tell her how pretty she was. She knows...
Another trick of ours is to tell her how pretty she looks when she wants to take off her shoes, her hair thingie, or a hat. She usually "falls for it", but sometimes there's just no fooling her.
Emily is the perfect answer to two testosterone-filled boys. She's been such a blessing.