And round one goes to... Emily.
David and Joshua were born four months apart. As they got older, they fought like brothers. There were some good tilts, but after several months wondering who would leave the octagon alive, they were buds. Now, they're as thick as thieves. David gets so excited whenever he even hears Joshie's name - which is often.
Then came Connor with Caleb four months after. It was like Kid Wars Episode II. Connor used a different form of warfare from the other boys, though. Once he figured out that Caleb HATES being called "little" or "baby", it was like a nuclear standby when things were going sour. The boys are - thankfully - at the tail end of the war.
It was inevitable that Emily and Abby - born 6 months apart - would engage in similar battles. Tonight marked the beginning of it all.
Emily had a sippy cup of juice. Abby wanted it. After a LOT of encouragement, Emily finally gave Abby some sips. This led to an advanced form of sharing where Abby was allowed to actually hold the cup. This was the beginning of the end for the girls.
Abby was doing a good job of maintaining her body position between Emily and the coveted cup. Shrieks ensued and Emily was getting more and more frustrated that Abby wasn't relenting. She seemed incredulous that Abby didn't understand that Emily always gets her way.Enough was enough. Emily took the conflict to the next level and grabbed a hold of Abby's hair. (How do girls innately know how to fight like... girls?) This finally got me out of my seat and I tried to pry her fingers from Abby's curls. Her grip was strong, however, and it became a lot like trying to get gum out of hair.
Emmers ended up in the hot seat for a time out. She felt her shame and then came to make up with her cousin. At press time, they're playing together like best friends, laughing and dancing together. Seriously... girls are tough to figure out.
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